Hold Up!

I think it’s probably safe to assume that we are all in a waiting period in some area of our life. Whether it’s for this virus to end, a promotion, our potential husband/wife, whatever it is we are waiting for it seems like it’s never going to get here at times. Almost like we have been forgotten about and let’s be honest, patience in our current culture is not our strongest virtue. If our food takes just 5 minutes longer to be delivered, the poor driver loses half of his tip.

We start losing hope that it will ever come and may settle for less than what we deserve because we just can’t wait any longer. We get frustrated, angry and wonder what is taking God so long. We may even wonder if we are lacking in some way that is hindering us from receiving it. Maybe hoping that if we were to be lacking on our end we could somehow bring back control into our hands and boom! we got what we needed.

It can even be something as simple as waiting on God’s reply on a question we asked him like what am I here for? Throughout this year, even though I have an idea of what God’s calling is over my life, I have asked God that question many many times. I thank Him that He is actually patient because if somebody would have asked me as many questions as I ask Him, I would’ve been like I think we need some space for a while.

In Psalms 25:5 (NKJV) it says “Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day”. This psalmist says I wait all day on you… ALL DAY. Seems like a long time. I looked into this verse, specifically that word wait. What I found was actually pretty interesting and it blew my mind (still does).

In this verse the hebrew word use is qavah which actually means wait (obviously), look, hope for, expect AND to bind together. Essentially when the author is saying I’ll wait on you all day he is also saying that he will bind himself to God. The passion translations says it this way “I have wrapped my heart in yours.”

In the waiting period, our job is not to sit with our arms crossed just waiting until what we are hoping for arrives. It’s not even necessarily to be part of a ministry or do things for the Lord to pass the time. Our job is to become so entwined with God that it would be very difficult to differentiate the two. It’s to wrap our hearts in His. The moment we lose our focus on what this period or our lives is really about is the day we stopped looking at Him and focused on our blessings and promises. Then the waiting sucks.

Looking at Abraham’s life and his promise, I realize how much faith he had in God without a book like the Bible that tells us of all the promises He fulfilled for other people in the past. No prior reference, but this complete trust in God. Yet he only saw part of the promise God made Him fulfilled through his son Isaac. He didn’t get to see with his own eyes the legacy he left behind. He trusted God to fulfill the promise He gave to him. It seems like Abraham had a much deeper revelation or knowledge of who God is than we may even have now.

I would challenge you to think about your relationship with God now. Everything in our world is uncertain right now, but God isn’t. How is your relationship with Him? Are you so close, so wrapped in His heart that nobody can tell difference between the two of you or is it something totally different?

The good news is that it’s not too late to surrender your life, time and attention to Him again. He’s calling us deeper in his presence. Let’s pray:


Thank you for the wait. I know sometimes I may complain or may forget that this is a beautiful time for us to become closer, but I’m here now. I give it all again to you, my hopes, dreams, promises, burdens, hurts, family, job, everything. Have your way in my life. Let my life be a pleasing sacrifice before you God. Thank you for the opportunity to wrap my heart in yours.


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